Mercury, Fluoride and Long Skulls… What Do They Have In Common?
30% Greater Brain Capacity
The film “Trace Amounts” begs the question; why is the preservative, Thimersol still used in our vaccines, despite being a known neurotoxin? If this scenario sounds strangely familiar, that is because another toxin, fluoride, has also been intentionally dispensed to our population under false pretenses for decades. Why is so much money and effort spent on the continuous mass distribution of harmful chemicals on a global scale?
In order to understand, we have to pull back and look at look at the bigger picture to see what might actually be going on here. With fluoride loaded water/toothpaste, and mercury laden vaccines, there is a vast delivery method in place to get specific chemicals into the bodies of every human being. These chemicals are being purposefully force-fed to our entire race! No small task with a global population of 7 billion and counting.
Would our government really spend millions of dollars to infuse the water supply with fluoride for the benefit of everyone’s teeth? Are they that magnanimous? The claim that fluoride fights cavities is false, yet to this day 99% of toothpaste brands still contain fluoride for no clear reason. (ref. Dr. Mercola’s article on fluoride.)
The frequency of autism has increased a thousand-fold since mercury preservatives were added to vaccines in the late 1980’s. Autism is simply a blanket name inclusive of all the symptoms for mercury poisoning. In spite of the fact that both the CDC and FDA have known for decades that Thimersol is destructive to nerve tissue, this mercury preservative is still being used in vaccines. (ref. VaxTruth)
In the confused aftermath of 911, Eli Lilly had a rider tacked onto the emergency Homeland Security Bill giving them complete immunity from law suits pertaining to complications arising from the mercury content in vaccinations. Big Pharma knows mercury is harmful, yet they continue adding it to vaccines for children and adults in doses far exceeding toxic levels.
The ‘how’ is right there in front of us, in plain sight for anyone able or willing to break free from generations of mental conditioning to see. The real question is ‘why?’ Is it simply “the banality of evil”, to use Hanna Arendt’s phrase, or is the motivation purely monetary? Would it make sense as a means of population control?
My only hypothesis is that there is a deliberate attempt to mutate the human genome. Either mutate it, or retard its development in some way. Accumulated fluoride is known to calcify the pineal gland, hindering its function. The pineal gland is the endocrine secretory organ associated with the ajna chakra. The ajna has long been revered by the ancient Egyptians, and most Eastern traditions, as the third eye through which higher planes of existence are experienced. (ref.
The tragic effects of mercury poisoning (a.k.a. autism) are well-known with today’s epidemic levels of occurrence, yet in spite of this, a vast amount of money is spent on delivery and PR to keep mercury and fluoride perpetually pumping into our population.
It gets even more weird when you look at how mercury reacts with fluorine. Unlike other metals, mercury is the only metal that will form a stable compound, Tetra-fluoride, when combined with 4 molecules of fluorine. This is significant because tetra-fluoride has the unusual property of being diamagnetic. In a nutshell that means it generates its own electromagnetic field that works in opposition to any externally applied EM field. Electromagnetic fields have been proven to interfere with the mechanisms of DNA repair and chromosomal replication.
Reminiscent of the way facts surrounding mercury and fluoride have been deliberately concealed, there is another concerted cover-up, related if only by the truth being obfuscated on a planetary scale for generations. This particular veil of secrecy concerns elongated skulls, remnants from a global race, almost always found in conjunction with ancient megalithic sites; huge stone structures built to a level of architectural perfection exceeding our ability to duplicate, even with today’s technology.
A significant number of the most ancient long skulls did not result from ‘boarding’, a body modification practice of comparatively modern human cultures imitating an object of veneration. The long skulls I’m referring to have been found, among other places, at archeological sites in Peru (Nazca Lines and the Paracas peninsula), Egypt, and Malta. These skulls have only 2 skull plates, and a 30% greater brain volume capacity, than the smaller skulls of modern Homo Sapien Sapiens, comprised from a number of fused bone plates. Naturally occurring long skulls also lack the resulting flattened frontal area of the artificially deformed (boarded) skulls.
Why are these anomalous beings completely left out of any formal academic discussion, literally ignored by “experts” as if they had never been found. How does the academic archeological community, who tout every ancient bone fragment as the ‘missing link’ from Africa, fail to recognize these long skulls as a separate race of advanced hominids who walked the earth, at a time when ‘history’ would have us all using primitive tools as hunter gatherers?
Why go to such great lengths to hide the truth of our human heritage? Why go to such great lengths to introduce mercury and fluoride into the bodies of every human being? Who is undertaking these monumental tasks of suppression? Who has the resources to fund and coordinate global undertakings over many generations?
Atacama Humanoid~Skull is not result of artificial deformation
Strong evidence that mercury in vaccines leads to a host of neurological problems:
Aluminum is also a toxic ingredient in vaccines: Please See~